The rapid pace of technological evolution in recent years has brought to the forefront new data and requirements for B2B businesses. Especially after the pandemic, B2B eCommerce has emerged as an essential and key part of business strategy. Nowadays, maintaining an e-shop (and even a high-level one) for the needs of B2B activity is no longer a luxury or a “nice to have” tool. It is a necessity, directly linked to the very survival and growth of the company, both in our country and globally.

A properly structured e-shop today can play a leading role in the development of a business, meeting the ever-changing needs of B2B customers and suppliers. Hundreds of successful brands operating in the wholesale industry are investing heavily in creating a modern e-shop and at the same time discovering several benefits and advantages that were not necessarily so obvious at first.

For example, through B2B eCommerce, the extroversion of the business is automatically increased and the ability to penetrate new markets, either product-wise or geographically, with minimal cost and effort.

Along with boosting profitability and creating a strong and modern brand, the benefits of investing in B2B eCommerce solutions are numerous, contributing to the sustainable growth of any business.

At the same time, digital sales and communication channels, such as online stores, can maximize the functionality of the business by automating a fairly respectable percentage of day-to-day operations. This results in savings, transferring valuable man-hours to other processes that were not working as they should, upgrading the services offered and improving the experience enjoyed by customers. As with B2C businesses, eCommerce platforms provide excellent opportunities to increase efficiency, enhance online presence, reduce management costs and expand customer base.

We should also not overlook the fact that in modern times, the so-called digital transformation is one of the most important challenges for any business. The creation of a reliable online store is also a decisive step in the digital transformation of a business, subsequently involving several other processes that “necessarily” must be digitized and automated.


SHOPRANOS: A turnkey solution

Through SoftOne’s SHOPRANOS platform, the implementation of a B2B e-shop is quick and easy, without the necessity of large investments and time-consuming processes. SoftOne’s new solution comes to help modern B2B companies successfully and securely make their digital leap, ensuring access to expanded markets.

In more detail, SHOPRANOS enables any B2B business to create from scratch and manage a state-of-the-art online store, fully customized to its specificities and commercial needs. Through built-in AI functions that allow even faster creation of automated content in up to 30 languages, saving valuable time, while enabling the creation of upgraded content regardless of the volume of product code, SEO titles and keywords, increasing e-shop traffic and attracting customers without geographical restrictions.

Choosing from a wide variety of ready-made thematic templates, every business has at its disposal a complete e-shop that fully meets its profile. Τhe powerful capabilities of the Cloud, the “ally” of SHOPRANOS, bring the management of all business operations to the new innovative platform. The management of corporate accounts, customers, products, price lists and inventory pass through SHOPRANOS, as does the creation of advertising sliders, banners and messages.

The platform also offers the ability to interface with the popular Soft1 ERP and ATLANTIS, as well as extensive sales and traffic reporting via built-in Google Analytics. Even after going live, the e-shop remains fully customizable, so it closely follows the evolution of the business. In other words, SHOPRANOS gives every business full control of its e-shop with just a few clicks. At the same time, it promises the best possible shopping experience for customers, helping the business to build a stable and long-lasting relationship with them.

Today, trust between the business and its customer base is more important than ever. Leveraging automation solutions, as well as digital channels such as a B2B eCommerce site, can prove to be a catalyst to successfully meet the expectations of customers and the demands of today’s marketplace.